Rabu, 25 Juni 2014


Kali ini aku mau bahas sariawan, soalnya kemarin aku sariawan. makan apa aja perih apalagi sariawanku ada 2*curhat*

Seriawan (disebut pula sariawan) atau stomatitis aftosa (stomatitis aphtosa) adalah suatu kelainan pada selaput lendir mulut berupa luka pada mulut yang berbentuk bercak berwarna putih kekuningan dengan permukaan agak cekung. Munculnya Seriawan ini disertai rasa sakit yang tinggi.Dikarenakan rasa sakit yang menganggu tersebut seseorang penderita sariawan akan menurun kualitas produktifitasnya sebab kurang nafsu makan,lesu dan kurang bersemangat

Sariawan merupakan penyakit kelainan mulut yang paling sering ditemukan. Sekitar 10% dari populasi menderita dari penyakit ini, dan wanita lebih mudah terserang daripada pria.

Ada beberapa faktor penyebab yang diduga menjadi penyebab munculnya seriawan, 1. luka tergigit
2. mengonsumsi makanan atau minuman panas
3. alergi
4. kekurangan vitamin C dan zat besi
5. kelainan pencernaan
6. kebersihan mulut tidak terjaga
7. faktor psikologi dan kondisi tubuh yang tidak fit.

Seriawan di tempat yang sama selama dua minggu hingga satu bulan dapat dijadikan indikasi adanya Kanker rongga mulut

Stomatitis Aphtous/Ulcer bukan hanya disebabkan karena kekurangan Vitamin C, namun sebaliknya SA dikenal disebabkan oleh alergi citrus atau alergi makanan yang mengandung asam, kondisi imun yang lemah, obat-obatan tertentu, trauma fisik (ataupun penggunaan gigi palsu baru), dsb.
Penyakit kekurangan vitamin C sendiri adalah Scurvy atau kegagalan proses sintesis kolagen yang ditandai dengan gusi mudah berdarah, pendarahan kulit (purpura) dsb.

Cara mengobati sariawan

1.Kopi bubuk
Dengan cara membubuhi bubuk kopi kebagian yang terkena sariawan,Tunggu beberapa menit.Kemudian berkumurlah dengan air bersih,guna membersihkan sisa bubuk kopi.Lakukan cara ini sampai sembuh setidaknya 2-3 hari.
2.Air garam
Gunakan garam yang dicampur dengan air hangat,pakai campuran air garam tersebut untuk berkumur selama 3 kali sehari.
3.Minum yogurt
Yogurt mempunyai manfaat membantu menjaga keseimbangan bakteri dalam mulut.Dan tentunya pastikan yogurt tersebut mengandung acidophilus yang hidup.
4.Minumlah Vitamin
Sariawan sering terjadi dikarenakan seseorang kekurangan vitamin C, Vitamin B, asam folat serta zat besi.Karena vitamin dan zat-zat tersebut bermanfaat guna membantu mencegah dan proses penyembuhan sariawan.
Itulah beberapa cara yang bisa ditempuh anda untuk mengobati sariawan. Apabila Sariawan tidak sembuh-sembuh hingga sampai 2 minggu, sebaiknya  pergilah  ke dokter.

sumber : http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seriawan

Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

Vampire Darling : My Lover of Darkness

Vampire Darling : My Lover of Darkness

Vampire Darling : My Lover of Darkness (宵闇の恋人ヴァンパイアハニー, Yoiyami no Koibito Vampire Honey) adalah yaoi dating simulation games yang dikembangkan dan diterbitkan oleh arithmethic. Game ini berbasis android dan Apple iProduct


Vampire Darling - My Lover of Darkness Main Story Walkthrough

 Chapter 1 - Vampire of Darkness

I'm fine.. thank you. (Clay +5)
I'm sorry. (Vampire +5)
.... (Human +5)

I think it's a good thing. (Clay +5)
I don't really know. (Vampire +5)
I don't think it's a good thing. (Human +5)

Get CG

Take his neck. (Vampire +5)
Take his wrist. (Clay +5)
Refuse. (Human +5)

Chapter 2 - From the past to the future

I'm fine. (Human +5)
I want to do as much as I can do. (Shirou +5)
Don't you believe in me? (Clay +5)

You are. (Shirou +5)
I can't compare you two. (Clay +5)
I'm a vampire, so... (Vampire +5)

Clay, this is wrong! (Clay +5)
Shirou, no! (Shirou +5)
Calm down, both of you! (Vampire +5)

Chapter 3 - Confused emotions

3.15 CG: Lau Affection 10

I'd come save you. (Shirou +5)
I don't know... (Human +5)
There's no way you would get caught! (Vampire +5)

Yes, please. (Human +5)
No, that's okay. (Lau +5)
What should I do..? (Vampire +5)

Resist. (Vampire +5)
Be at his mercy. (Human +5)
Call for help. (Lau +5)

Get CG
Required: 10+ Lau Affection Level

You want to attack the clan… (Clay +5)
I don’t care. (Vampire +5)
Don’t ask me. (Lau +5)

Chapter 4 - I want to fall in love

4.7. CG: Human Affection 40

The vampire side. (Clay's +5)
I can't choose. (Human +5)
The werewolf side. (Shirou +5)

Get CG
Required: 40+ Human Affection Level 

They're scary... (Vampire +5)
Maybe they're afraid? (Human +5)
Aren't they're invincible? (Lau +5)

Please, let us go. (Human +5)
Please, just let Shirou go. (Shirou +5)
If that's my fate... (Lau +5)

Invite him in. (Vampire +5)
End the conversation. (Human +5)
What should I do... Shirou isn't here. (Shirou +5)

Chapter 5 - Rabbits Bride

You've got to be joking. (Lau +5)
Silently glare at him. (Shirou +5)
Maybe I can use him? (Clay +5)

Maybe there is. (Shirou +5)
Not really... (Human +5)
I don't have to tell you. (Clay +5)

Ask about Hunters. (Lau +5)
Ask about vampires (Human +5)
(Only 2 options given)

Stop Lau. (Lau +5)
Stop Yuji. (Human +5)
Maybe it's better to leave them alone. (Vampire +5)

Chapter 6 - Sweet Poison
6.13 CG: Clay Affection 55


Sure, sure. (Shirou +3)
Don't say stupid things. (Shirou +5)
Stop fooling around. (Shirou +0)


Look into his sleeping face. (Clay +3)
Pull a prank. (Clay +0)
Wait around. (Clay +5)


Maybe it was better this way. (Human +5)
Let Clay get his way. (Clay +5)
Resist. (Vampire +5)


I wonder... (Human +1)
I threw it away. (Vampire +5)
I don't know (Human +5)


I don't like it. (Human +5)
Should I say I like it? (Vampire +5)
I don't know. (No Affection)

Chapter 7 - Secrets

I don't know. (Vampire +5)
That's fine. (Human +5)
I don't want to die. (Lau +5)

Pretend I have no idea. (Human +5)
If I have to, I can call Shirou... (Shirou +5)
As a member of the clan, he has to deal with this calmly. (Clay +5)

Obediently take his hand. (Human +5)
I don't want to go. (Vampire +5)
Come to MY house. (Vampire +3)

Throw up. (Vampire +1)
Drink the rest. (Vampire +5)

(only 2 options)

Chapter 8 People who use, People who are used

8.4 Shirou Route: Shirou Affection 60
8.7 CG: Lau Affection 55 (MAX50)
8.15 Human Route: Human Affection 105

It'd be the same. (Shirou +5)
If it was Clay... (Clay +5)
There's Lau... (Lau +5)
Call out his name (Lau +3)
Don't call out his name (Lau +1)
Just hold him (Lau +5)

Get CG Lau

I won't become an assassin. (Vampire +5)
I want him to understand. (Human +5)
I won't help you. (Human +1)

Chapter 9 - A frightening person

9.6. Clay Route: Clay Affection 75

Don't be angry! (Clay +5)
I'm sorry... (Clay +3)
You're annoyed... right? (Clay +1)

There's no way. (Shirou +5)
I guess so? (Lau +5)
It's not that I'm attracted to humans... (Clay +5)

It's in five days. (Lau +3)
I can't tell you. (Lau +5)
Don't do anthing rash. (Lau +1)

Chapter 10

10.6 Human Route: Human Affection 110

Why are you here? (Human +5)
Don't call me cute. (Vampire +5)
Don't make fun of me. (Human +1)

Look for Clay and Shirou. (Clay +5)
Look for Alessio. (Human +5)
Look for Lau. (Lau +5)

The one he's been eagerly waiting for shouted. (Clay +5)
a familiar voice shouted. (shirou +5)
a voice he didn't want to hear shouted. (Lau +5)


Chapter 11

11.7 CG: Shirou Affection 70
11.8 Shirou Route (75)
11.15 CG (Vampire 110)

I was fine. (Shirou +5)
I was lonely. (Shirou +1)
I wanted to see you. (Shirou +3)

(Vampire +5)
(Vampire +3)

(Human +5)

(no affection)
(Vampire +5)
(Vampire +1)

Chapter 12
12.7 Human Route (120)
12.13 Lau Love Route (80)

I was busy hiding... (no affection)
Maybe I was. (Human +5)
Don't say things like that. (Vampire +5)

I've never though about it. (Human +5)
I'm not in the position to decide. (no affection)
That's stupid (Vampire +5)

Lau. (Lau +1)
Tien. (Lau +5)
I can't call him by his name. (Lau +3)

Of course not (Lau +1)
They would understand (Lau +5)
Silently embrace Lau (Lau +3)

Chapter 13 - A Rabbit's Support

13.4 Clay Love Route (95)

A vampire? (Clay +5)
I'm human (Human +5)
(only 2 options)
Of course you're the most important (Clay +3)
Clay, your so cute (Clay +5)
Don't say such a childish thing (Clay +1)

I think it's okay (Clay +3)
Don't expect much... (Clay +1)
What do you mean you don't like it? (Clay +5)

Chapter 14 - A Charm

14.4 CG (Lau 85)

14.6 - Normal Route [Lau Affection 85]
Touch my neck. (Lau +3)
Hold my hand. (no affection)
Put your hand on my chest (Lau +5)
14.6 - Special Route
Blood. (Lau +1)
Touch the lips.
Is there something else? (Lau +5)

I'll call you next time. (Shirou +5)
It has so much energy I'll get a stomachache. (no affection)
Lets make up and be friends again. (Shirou +3)

Chapter 15 - Seductive Words

15.3 CG (Human 130)
15.5. Human Route (135)

Ask someone you like to do it (no affection)
I can't make it.. (Human +1)
Only if you make me something first. (Human +5)

That's not the point. (Shirou +3)
He is more important then people who use violence. (no affection)
Why can't you understand how I feel? (Shirou +5)

...I want you meet Clay. (Clay +5)
It's not really a big deal... (Human +1)
Don't you have something to say to me? (Human +5)

Chapter 16 - I don't want to be known

16.5 Vampire Route (125)

...I'll do it if it's on your forehead. (Vampire +1)
Well no problem. (Vampire +5)
Shut up and just wait! (Vampire +0)

...I'm not a kid anymore. (Clay +3)
Stop fooling around with me! (Clay +0)
Please be nice to me. (Clay +5)

Well, that was true. (Lau +3)
I'm not really sure... (Lau +0)
Don't think it's perfect. (Lau +5)

He should be human (Lau +3)
...maybe he's an alien? (Lau +1)
I have no idea. (Lau +5)

Chapter 17 - The exploration continues

17.9 Clay Route (115)
17.9 Lau Route (100)
17.9 Shirou Route (90)
17.9 Human Route (if you do not meet the other requirements)

17.14 Vampire Route (125)
17.14 Human Route (if you do not meet the other requirements)

The one he admired. 
(Clay +5)
Childhood friends. 
(Shirou +5)
Someone who sympathized. 
(Lau +5)

I'm a vampire. 
(Clay +5)
Can I say that I'm a human? 
(Lau +5)
I don't know, please tell me. 
(Shirou +5)

No I just want to sleep. 
(Shirou +0)
Just for a little while. 
(Shirou +3)
Let's sleep together. 
(Shirou +5)

Chapter 18 - Dreams and lies

18.6 Human Route (150)
18.9 CG (Clay 120)
18.11 Clay Route (125)
18.15 CG (Vampire 140)

Is it possible for you to be serious? 
(Human +5)
I didn't mean that... 
(Vampire +5)
More or less, yes... 
(Vampire +1)

You're so mean. 
(Clay +1)
...So you still remember that. 
(Clay +5)
How was it so bad? 
(Clay +0)

I must talk my way out of this. 
(Vampire +5)
I should run. 
(Vampire +1)
I won't do his. 
(Vampire +0)

And why would we have to do that! 
(Vampire +1)
Aw, alright. You can kiss me and everything 
(Vampire +0)
Dont! you're making me even more nervous. 
(Vampire +5)

Chapter 19 - hidden abillites

19.11 Shirou Route (100)

Did you want me to flip out? 
(Vampire +1)
Did you trick me? 
(Vampire +0)
There's more coming, right? 
(Vampire +5)

Felt ill at ease. 
(Shirou +1)
Could feel the power 
(Shirou +3)
Couldn't figure out hs true intent 
(Shirou +5)

Extend a hand 
(Lau +3)
Hold him 
(Lau +1)
Start walking 
(Lau +5)

Chapter 20 - The story that starts from here

You don't really have choices here. You'll just get the ending with the dude-man-guy you wanted, that is, if you have enough points affection points for them.

20.1 Clay End Route 125 

~Clay's Bad Ending~

Shirou & Lau Branching point (if you do not meet above requirements)

20.2 Shirou End Route (100)
└(05) Shirou Good End

20.2 Lau Route Branching Point (if you do not meet above requirements?)
Lau End Route (100)

 Human & Vampire Branching Point (if you do not proceed to a character ending)

20.4 Vampire End (150)
20.4 Human End (160)
20.4 Bad End Route Branching Point 

sumber : http://syruprain.blogspot.com/2014/02/vampire-darling-my-lover-of-darkness.html